Attics are often a cozy and secluded space, making them an ideal habitat for various types of animals. One common visitor is the raccoon, known for its dexterous paws and ability to climb. These nocturnal creatures are attracted to attics due to the warmth and shelter they provide. Squirrels are also frequent attic dwellers, especially during colder months when they seek refuge from harsh weather conditions. Their small size and agility allow them to easily access attics through small openings. Bats are another common attic resident, as they prefer dark and quiet spaces to roost during the day. Their ability to squeeze through tiny gaps makes it easy for them to enter attics. Additionally, mice and rats are often found in attics, as they are skilled climbers and can squeeze through even smaller openings than their larger counterparts. These animals are drawn to attics for nesting purposes and a potential food source.

Common Animals Found in Attics: A Wildlife Control Operator’s Perspective


When it comes to attics, many homeowners are unaware that these spaces can become a haven for various types of animals seeking shelter and warmth. As a professional wildlife control operator, it is essential to understand the common animals that frequently inhabit attics. In this article, we will explore the types of animals commonly found in attics and the importance of seeking professional assistance for their removal.

Rodents: Rats and Mice

Rodents, such as rats and mice, are among the most common animals found in attics. These small creatures can squeeze through tiny openings and quickly establish nests in the cozy insulation of your attic. They are notorious for causing extensive damage by gnawing on electrical wires, wooden structures, and insulation materials. Additionally, their droppings can pose health risks to humans due to the potential transmission of diseases.

Bats: Silent Visitors

Bats are nocturnal creatures that often find attics to be ideal roosting spots. They enter through small openings or gaps, seeking shelter during the day. While bats are beneficial for controlling insect populations, their presence in attics can lead to various issues. Their droppings, known as guano, accumulate over time and emit a strong odor. Moreover, bat guano can harbor a fungus called Histoplasma capsulatum, which can cause respiratory problems if inhaled.

Squirrels: Active Intruders

Squirrels are agile climbers and can easily access attics by jumping from nearby trees or rooftops. Once inside, they create nests using materials found in the attic, such as insulation or stored items. Squirrels are known for their constant chewing habits, which can damage electrical wires, wooden beams, and other attic structures. Their activity may also result in bothersome scratching and scampering noises, especially during their active periods.

Raccoons: Clever and Destructive

Raccoons are intelligent creatures that can cause significant damage when they enter attics. They are excellent climbers and can access attics through vulnerable areas, such as loose roof shingles or damaged vents. Raccoons are notorious for tearing up insulation, ductwork, and stored items while searching for food or creating nesting sites. Their presence in attics also poses health risks due to the potential transmission of diseases such as rabies.

Opossums: Opportunistic Visitors

Opossums are known for their opportunistic nature and ability to adapt to various environments, including attics. These marsupials often enter attics through openings or gaps in the structure. While not as destructive as some other attic-dwelling animals, opossums can still cause damage by tearing insulation or knocking over stored items. Additionally, their presence may attract fleas, ticks, or other parasites into your home.


Understanding the types of animals commonly found in attics allows homeowners to recognize potential infestations and seek professional assistance promptly. As a professional wildlife control operator, we have encountered numerous cases involving rodents, bats, squirrels, raccoons, and opossums in attics. Remember, it is crucial to address these infestations promptly to prevent further damage and potential health risks. If you suspect any wildlife activity in your attic, contact a professional wildlife control operator for safe and effective removal.

Assistance with Wildlife Control and Animal Removal

If you are currently facing issues with wildlife invading your property, The Critter Squad Inc. is here to help. Our experienced team of wildlife control specialists is dedicated to providing effective and humane solutions for all your wildlife control and animal removal needs. Whether you are dealing with raccoons, squirrels, bats, or any other critter, we have the expertise to handle the situation. With our state-of-the-art equipment and proven techniques, we ensure the safe and efficient removal of unwanted animals from your premises. We understand the importance of prompt action, as wildlife can cause significant damage to your property and pose health risks. That’s why we offer 24/7 emergency services, so you can reach us anytime at (713) 396-6030. Don’t let wildlife take over your home or business – contact The Critter Squad Inc. today for professional wildlife control assistance.